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Cats/kittens that come into the Charity’s care are vet-checked, medically treated as appropriate and then stay with a fosterer until a new home is identified following a home-check to ensure that the cat is placed in an environment that suits its temperament.

We emphasise the importance of neutering to reduce the number of unwanted felines - kittens as young as four months old are capable of having a litter - and operate a trap and neuter policy for feral cats before returning them to their colony.

- For more information about adoption please visit our website Sunshine Cat Rescue - Home

- You can also support us by sponsoring a special needs cat for just £3 a month – a purrfect gift for Cat Lovers!

- Help us raise funds to preserve this charity. Sign up for The Sunshine 200 Club now! - 200 Club form here

Please also consider leaving Sunshine Cat Rescue a gift in your Will. 

Charity Number: 1154876

01993 831 279

Instagram: @sunshinecatrescue

Facebook: @thesunshinecatrescue



104 High St, Milton-under-Wychwood,

Chipping Norton OX7 6ET